1 Putting God first in our life. Most studies will have its foundation in this truth. The Bible clearly tells us that establishing this truth in our life is the center of what life is really about. When we aim to put Him at the forefront of our life, life becomes clearer, more content, and richer.
2 Studying God’s Word with Passion. The Bible is God’s inerrant Word. In this group we seek to establish a deeper connection through the word. We study the Word with Passion. How do we study with Passion? By taking the Bible piece by piece, diving into deeper issues, establishing a true yearning for the message.
3 Fellowship. Life is not meant to be lived alone. In this group, in a variety of ways, we strive to connect with each other not only on Monday nights, but in daily life. This can look like opportunities to work together, having dinner, connecting at parties, activities, etc. This group is not simply a Monday night group. It is a place to connect in a rich way with others.